From the Author: the Electracon is a particle I created. It’s found (mostly) in the :: wild unPlace :: I say mostly, because in the known Universe, its counterpart the electron can never be created on its own, and when isolated, can never be destroyed. Well, okay, sure. But what if a lone electron could be transformed? I propose some electrons “leave” their atoms for their own reasons and become Electracons, aka rogue, impish, diasporic electrons. These Electracons keep a link to the known Universe. So, while obstinate and unruly, the Electracon here in question does care deeply about all lifeforms, past, present and future.
The Electracon in “Corona Atómica” is quite the rascal. Some humans are very suspicious of these kind of Electracons who don’t like being told what poems (I mean, particles) can and cannot do. The Electracon is often referred to as a glitch, a radioactive gremlin, and is always in Its Impish Era.
Rosebud Ben-Oni is the author of several collections of poetry, including If This is the Age We End Discovery (2021), which won the Alice James Award and was a Finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. Paramount commissioned her video essay “My Judaism is a Wild Unplace” for a national media campaign for Jewish Heritage Month, and her poem “Poet Wrestling with Angels in the Dark” was commissioned by the National September 11th Memorial. She performed at Carnegie Hall on International Holocaust Memorial Day, as part “We Are Here: Songs From The Holocaust.” Most recently, her poem “When You Are the Arrow of Time” was commissioned and filmed by the Museum of Jewish Heritage— A Living Memorial to the Holocaust. In 2023, she received a Café Royal Cultural Foundation grant to write The Atomic Sonnets, a full-length collection based on her chapbook 20 Atomic Sonnets (Black Warrior Review, 2020), which she began in honor of the Periodic Table’s 150th Birthday in 2019. She has received grants from the New York Foundation of the Arts, Queens Arts Fund, Queens Council for the Arts and CantoMundo. Her work appears in POETRY, The American Poetry Review, Academy of American Poets’ Poem-a-Day, Poetry Society of America (PSA), The Poetry Review (UK), Poetry Wales, Poetry Daily, Tin House, among others.