Issue 7 | Fall 2024 |
Wayne Koestenbaum | To Lucifer the Sameness The Rumor Mill of the Plucked-Out Eyelashes |
Sophie Klahr | During House Arrest The Archer |
Norah Brady | Black Hole Sonnet Black Hole Sonnet |
Kent Shaw | What is a quadrilateral? And what does that mean on the internet? I joined a wall to other walls. And I called it the pronoun, “we.” |
Jhio Jan Navarro | Stack Kintsugi |
SJ Pearce | Before Lorca |
Chris Santiago | 5.2 (Initial Operations: Movement Inland) 6.7 (Infantry Patrols: Laying Ambushes) |
Erick Verran | Ikebana Frogman |
Jack Saebyok Jung | Florist Astrologist |
Jess Smith | You’ll Never Leave Harlan Alive Heirloom |
Amorak Huey | In the Forest of a Thousand Trees We Cannot Find Two Leaves Alike Morning in Early June and It’s Already Hot and So Are You |
Rivka Clifton | Daedalus and the Overlook Surgery |
Mike Bagwell | I Don’t Believe You (Gameshow Metaphysics) I Believe You Now (Cinema Metaphysics) |
Jane Zwart | The Weather Meteorology |
Anne Gerard | Gravity My Favorite Power Wave Behavior |
Adam Strauss | Burn 1 Burn 2 |
Heidi Seaborn | Time Capsules |