Poet Wrestling with :: What Happens Now :: Healing is not those who made me keep peace who. Said I must. Death. Often & squander. To convalesce, to reach a number. Called. Night. Slept. Bitter. Sweat. Swagger. Embedded. To be de. -tained in. Flash. Backs. Calm. Catch. Muzzle. Ranged. & unspoiled. Match. Point. Wet. Ash, no longer just. Miss. Another. Bullet. Artful. Dodge when. No more crumbs, no more rape. No redress of fifty-fifty, one of which. Is flimsy, last. Dibs. On my beauty. Repelling good. Standing. The kind that de-. Rails the wicked before. Proven. Sound. Proof. Siren. Line. -up. &. Shrinking. Act. I. Must. Wipe off the red from natural. Groove like always. Ready. To lose— you. Have no idea. I’m a total blows- come-to, a gravitational lens with. The end— no I. Won’t. Emit for a fast omit. Distort distant light & even feel. Are you. Cold yet. Since it’s time to strip paint & wheels off you, some evolutionary. Glitch. Pitching. One. Last. Wish. Dim.
Poet Wrestling with ≈ WonderWall ≈ —after Solaris (1972) Shall we take turns inventing each other. Should we perchance :: to death less :: this horse once & for all. Shall it be formal pleasure {a stint in dialectics} shall I ride side-saddle to prevent myself from coming first— it’s not a redress. A comfort, if you— please. Harboring the negative electricity :: in a silk stocking :: is identical for every teethtorn nylon & bare human skin & leather restraint & the state of shock remains all-embracing. How lead can lay up as much static as flyaways fucking into your mouth. Or mine. Hats off to us for taking the time :: to bang &release— while on earth, they are still canting through :: open double :: doors &— my love :: I’m not :: was never, keeping {score} the horses left behind still jostle & brisk- by-backbeat & whine they are the very last thing we see in a loop :: free :: before takeoff (e-)stranging— * Lock my legs— & intenterror— Spend a little more time on me it’s not too late :: we are :: already staggering— Lock my legs. Bytecode & embed: survive new atmosphere & alight as virus or godhead :: Love, you lead, is rooted in heuristics & will have no place in this new sublimity where :: true level & zero gravity :: where {I LOVE YOU} is a single gesture for make testable predictions :: where no vacuum catastrophes where :: tableside consommé & cold-fusion:: where {thereal real} {thereal real} {thereal real} {thereal real} {thereal real} —you load: “wreck” I emit :: ark :: you rip: slack& axion&expanding {I split} :: annex— &mimicry & derelict :: is anyone did someone {summon}:: crash without ever harbor{ing} :: * Here, things that aren’t real in the first place come back at you. I am one of them. Scrimmage, both sender & receiverunsends. Unbalance of neutrinos & :: superheavies :: Here my elements won’t break down no matter how far I text myself off space. Or poison my own isotopes. I take pains to slice a throat :: ignore :: lock away. Don’t worry, you crack & encrypt, don’t mind yourselves, little equus trees. Yours. Truly. Ibut— Finger -length seahorses with bony forelocks & flying pace. You arrange a single genetic mutation & give me this soar & gait. A whole zeal of identical I & I & I & I— you don’t like innovation, only metamorphosis of {:: disarray ::} into something familiar. You ask me to call you Fathertime. You say here you could feed seven worlds over, but there’s only YOU & a joyful {peculiar}. There will be no revolutions. I’ll never die. You try to anoint fear within once upon a time where elsewhere they blanket me with earth & I de -compose. Tiny things eat me & I pass on & through & ::so:: — Here, there’s only endless blur & billow. You say maybe one day I could disintegrate. Break apart &. Desiccate. But how unlikely. Here, no rot. No natural predatory. No hate. I wake :: {up} :: a woman in your arms. I am everywhere. Hemmed to vicious mist over an ocean without shoreline or skeleton. * You say: & we fuck like horses. Times :: passes :: we think. You tell me each spell you complete -ly forget about all those fucking horses in films & stories. Ensnared on temple walls & in soft, padded garages. Snarling. Next to us, the last time you fucked :: around before leaving there. You mean THE real earth. Where horses cry silently over the hill as foals lay down their heads feeling full well they’re next. No one could watch you burn all the photos because it made them :: real :: My face as well. Not mine, but to whom else could it belong. My known still remains inches from the purging, the burning: the zero-point energy blueprints, the horsepower bootstraps & sunday evening unease. Near extinct: the recipe for cherry pits, casu marzu & puffer- fish. You left the whole fold choking on ash & lovers’ treatise in a locked metal box once next to hanging ivy & dappled parakeets. Never asked. Don’t particularly want to be feeling a way, those days thrown back at {me}, colliding in body & body for what, this little else, when I ask about :: my self :: Or rather: who I’ve been being there. You say it takes a different kind of wall & well. You lie: first there must be land, but here, a crime. * You & I are each :: locked inside :: our own :: private :: languages. I say the future is when we get them :: to speak :: to one another. I’d like to ride & dismount nature before interstellar clouds :: cast their final :: spells. * You will be wrong. I’ll get lost among my many renaissances & rebellions. I’ll interference & mutant. Rid myself of mirrors & absence. I won’t stay this, after all. I’ll overcome the speed of light & all limits. Sow oats for what you have no language so to speak other worlds outside of this— & maybe you’ll be :: unproven :: I’ll even bring you back from that. Spar for every touch & isolation :: ys & Y-us :: {re-un-invent} in quirk & off- center your great allegorical allegations. I would like to say for the record that I arose & sprung a little human. I am. Like-born & it’s enough. That today that I was a real child from the mouth of :: spacehorses & horsebabes:: that once, something really escaped that changed. Forever. Struck me this music. No more chorus that I came from your grave, when :: really :: this world too :: unfolded :: from my ungrace— Shall I refrain from inventing another. Shall I make plain: There is. There’s something to :: speaking not over but through :: That we have loved. & have loved, greatly. Even {you} what last :: great :: adventure where won’t we :: have {answer} to :: with doubt or dispute :: y-s in spacehorse there’s no wonder hidden behind hindrance where Y-us will begin & upend every last looking glass & transmission :: every :: beast of burden & stable choking on bridle, bits & laurels— So little :: cache :: so {will} engorge only distance & slippage. So replay no more again. So without rein & swell, so never try ydidn’t :: & when our fire-foal dims, the very stars they are at :: last:: un :: :: -hymned :: ::
From the Author: “Poet Wrestling with. :: What Happens Now :: ” is an attempt to both reflect and contain the start-stop-start terror of being unable to escape the grips of a sexual assault flashback. While being caught in the throes of this “past continuous,” the speaker can respond and take some sort of action within the poem, redirecting her assailants as “some evolutionary./Glitch.” The second poem, “Poet Wrestling with ≈ WonderWall ≈” is my love letter to the original 1972 Soviet film Solaris (not the remake); like director Andrei Tarkovsky, I too have a love for using horses in my work. Both poems were written in the pandemic, but it’s the second poem in which the speaker attempts to start over, particularly with relearning the geographical and stellar possibilities of her own body as much as the celestial bodies in the multiverse. In the end, the speaker considers that even if what we think are our progress and invention are not real at all but recycled forms of what we already know, no, she’s not giving up.
Rosebud Ben-Oni won 2019 Alice James Award for If This Is the Age We End Discovery (2021), which received a Starred Review in Booklist, and the author of turn around, BRXGHT XYXS (Get Fresh Books, 2019) and 20 Atomic Sonnets (Black Warrior Review, 2020). A recipient of the NYFA Fellowship in Poetry and a CantoMundo Fellowship, her work has been commissioned by the National September 11 Memorial in NYC.