Sleep Paralysis A blob has neither form nor content and for every head of lettuce there's a natural basket so to rotate on two axes at the same time is its wish. You know that you exist when if you flip a switch what changes changes for the better. God said order in the court and there was order in the court and it was mm mm good. The color scheme pink polka dots on neon green offends my neighbor so it pleases me. What this continuum is missing is a midpoint. Simon said take Simon seriously and another who third-personed himself was Bob Dole. The hallmarks of intelligent design are price tags. If I'm not naive then in no registry of subatomic particles is there a subatomic particle for me. As there are none so anchored to the past as those who look through telescopes, at Mecca's antipode they pray the way they please. It's not a real discussion until someone is compared to Hitler. Will the realtor please stand down? Unless you bless Bob Dole, Bob Dole, Bob Dole will not let Bob Dole go. What happens in Las Vegas happens in Los Angeles and even on Galapagos the television will not be invented twice. But recently released, the television is still sizzling. If the hat has more than two and fewer than four corners, it's not Bob Dole's fault.
Excited Delirium Zing! Went the electrodes to my brain. Inhale the curse. Exhale the blessing. Sing the opportune. As the intelligent destroyer specializes in unnatural acts so the intelligent destroyer's visual field's composed of color swatches, but who's counting? Leading zeros, eligible bachelors, will have fun fun fun until the Second Law of Motion is enacted and among the ones that Bob Dole others is Bob Dole itself. The particle of particles is such sweet sorrow that through metamorphoses all loss aversion is preserved. To fear to disappear to teach appreciation. To put wings on horses and enlighten. Force of habit and of gravity, I hope you're happy now. As I rise to a point of order or of vanishing, my family is dysfunctional and knows it. I may change my name because I know what side my bread is buttered on. I know who spins spins independently of counterfeit consideration and who dies dies for a lie. Consider the inertia of the dervish and the elevated state, and with the minimum of linear momentum wisely wait. It's non-negotiable and non-demon-strable, a night sound. Laughably, I think my alias an alibi, like I might sing myself to sleep. In God We Trust the climate change deniers are knee-deep. With Bob Dole's pronoun sequence I'm just fine and if the offer ends at midnight I'll wait till 11:59.
From the Author: Each of the poems “Sleep Paralysis” and “Excited Delirium” references a particular extreme psychological state, the first is associated with the inability to move and the second with the inability not to.
Heikki Huotari attended a one-room school and spent summers on a forest-fire lookout tower. Since retiring from academia/mathematics he has published poems in numerous literary journals, including Pleiades, Spillway, the American Journal of Poetry and Willow Springs, and in five collections.