Jared Stanley

Dear voices fill a room beyond the wall
fill my ear, my cup, so far for us to go
undersea, aboveground, feeling 
for a level surface upon the earth
the timbres, the changes, lovely, in accordance  
barely vibrating these bones 
little half-moons of smokelight
in the typewriter keys

Singing close to the ground
light tastes like air, kinda
touched, felt by other generations
“bright nests in nests”
my hope, it will be air plus music
touch a dry grass stalk, it’s whole
they don’t seem like great distances
to shoeless feet 
                                     I.M. Jean Valentine

Jared Stanley lives and teaches in Reno, Nevada. He’s the author, most recently, of EARSShall, and Ignore the Cries of Empty Stones and Your Flesh Will Break Out in Scavengers. Recent poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Bennington Review, Oversound, and Posit. Upcoming collaborations include A Lip Smack, Laughter, Paper Rustles, (with Sameer Farooq)  and La Jolla Reading Room (with Matthew Hebert). Follow on Instagram at @jared_stanley_studio.